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We carefully analyse football matches

Thoroughly examine upcoming sporting events

Analyze all aspects to make sure the result we predict will be as accurate as possible

Avoid predicting uncertain football matches

Provide analytical report for our premium users

Provide expert picks for our users to be able to make consistent profit

Betcounsel team offer predictions mainly on top leagues and tournaments. If we made careless decisions, imagine the effect it would have on the bankroll of our esteemed users.

Investing on unclear tournaments is too careless for your bankroll. It is almost impossible to offer quality predictions on events, if there is no open source information about them. Top-leagues are under constant close attention of media and sport governing organizations, unlike non-popular championships, where there is a high chance of bribery. In this case, how can you trust such analysis?

In summary, betcounsel is here to help you make steady income from football betting.

We have two options in which you can use to make money on betcounsel.

1. Daily2odd: this option is 100% free for all our visitor. but can not guarantee you a steady source of income.

1. Green-Ticket-VIP: this option is only available to our premium user. This section is where you will receive the most accurate prediction which is carefully selected by our team of expat. If really you want to start making money from football betting, Click here To Join Us Now